For those of you that have been keeping up with the weather up here it has been in the high 70's and low 80's even a few days for the past few weeks now, which is just way to much heat for me. I have not been able to eat my favorite and yummy I might add go to prep foods.... which has left me to get crafty in the kitchen (with what little time I do spend in there). I came up with this super yummy protein packed nice cream/smoothie bowl using my always favorite ready to drink protein.... which by the way is pretty bomb dot com on its own when in a hurry.
Whats great about this for me personally and probably some of y'all will love this part also... is that this recipe plays double duty roles... you can class it up to be a meal or a sweet treat when you want desert. TRUST ME when I say this: I utilize both ALL the time, but hey it is good for you which means no shame or food guilt EVER.
1/2 cup frozen blueberries
1/2 cup frozen blackberries
1/2 scoop chocolate muscle gain Click Here for Muscle Gain
handful of ice (you can add more for texture)
3/4 chocolate ready to drink protein Click Here for Ready To Drink Protein
1/4 cup egg whites
Once you have all the yummy stuff tossed in together just blend that baby up and enjoy!
I like to add a few whole berries to the top for presentation purposes because ya know being fancy and all.
*** Pro Tip: Toss what ever bowl you are going to use in the freezer 5-10 minutes prior. Just trust me on this one :) ***
I hope y'all enjoy this summertime treat!
As always tag me! I love seeing your posts and comments
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